Take your time
I know that for sufferers searching the internet for the right help can be a confusing, as well as an exhausting experience. As a past sufferer I can give you the right help so that you can recover and get on with your life.
Start by taking a tour:
Radio Interview
David Johnson, creator of the program, talks on how overcoming panic attacks inspired his work to help others experiencing the condition.
Listen to the interview (2 parts)
Recent Testimonials
Over the last 35+ years, many thousands of sufferers have been through the Freedom From Fear Recovery Program.
Click below to view the latest testimonials.
Listen to a Sample
The Freedom From Fear Recovery Program is a 9 hour audio program that you can download in MP3 format.
Listen to the first chapter here.
Introductory Message
Watch this video clip from the creator of the program and past sufferer, David Johnson
Meet David, past sufferer and program creator.