About You / About Me



This is where I see you

You are in a swimming pool, out of your depth, and you can’t swim. At the same time you are struggling to keep your head above water, because your fear is that you will finally go under. And as you try to stay a float you struggle even harder, and the struggle exhausts even more, because for you, it is all about surviving each moment of fear. While this is happening family, friends and even health professionals are all standing around the side of the pool, and not one of them can save you. Also, when having one of your moments in the company of others, none of them are in your world. This can make you feel more alone, more lost within yourself than ever. 


You are now lost in a dark frightening forest and you can’t see anyway out. And your thinking is, “if only I can retrace my steps and exit the way I came in.” However, the way out is not retracing your steps. In fact the only way out is to continue on through the forest, come out the other side, move on with your life, and leave the forest behind you. (That is your symptoms)

I know from personal experience what a frightening place it is to be in. However, it is not in the least bit serious medically. I also know, to your way of thinking, the more it frightens the more serious it must be. However, I repeat once more, frightening yes, serious, definitely not. Indeed the worst you feel, the further away recovery seems. (Yes, I even know this)

Do you understand what I am saying?

Do not begrudge what you have been going through, because suffering like yours in many ways is a privilege. If you recover the right way:

  1. You will end up with an inner confidence you never had.
  2. You will have great compassion towards other sufferers
  3. and you will look back on what you went through, and see it as an incredible learning experience.

Actually, there is no mystery about “the anxiety state”, it is so easily explained, and I refuse to complicate something that is not complicated in the first place.

I truly understand your suffering and through this very simple program, am ready and able to offer the right help you so desperately want. It would be my privilege to be a part of your journey to complete recovery through this incredible doctor's teachings.

About Me

My name is David Johnson principal and founder of the Freedom From Fear Counselling Centre here in Auckland, New Zealand.

My first panic attacks were as a 7 year old. They went as quickly as they came, but returned 39 years later (1986). An occupational therapist referred me on to the teachings of Dr Claire Weekes, and it was her teachings that made complete recovery possible for me. My suffering lasted 2 ¼ years and I consider those years to have been my apprenticeship. In other words, I went to the UNIVERSITY OF SUFFERING where theory was not a part of the course. Because of my own personal suffering, and journey to complete recovery I have been able to help other sufferers achieve the same result, through the counselling I have been offering since 1988.

It is my ongoing wish that this doctor's teachings are made freely available to all sufferers across New Zealand and eventually beyond.

Best Wishes

David Johnson