It is VERY important that THE FIRST THING YOU MUST DO is watch this instructional video BEFORE you begin listening to the program.

Playing time: 20:20

Thank you for your interest in "FREEDOM FROM FEAR RECOVERY PROGRAM". Through this program you will finally come to understand what nervous illness i.e.. the anxiety state is all about and how to recover from it. It is my personal wish that you receive the maximum help from this series of recordings, so please follow these simple directions carefully.

  1. Part 1 should be listened to in one sitting if possible, with minimum breaks taken as required. The listening time of part 1 is approximately 3 hours.
  2. Part 2 can then be listened to at a pace to suit yourself.
  3. Part 3 (The Journey to Recovery) and  Part 4 (Encouraging Words), must NOT be listened to for at least three weeks from the start of your program because I want you to understand the basics of the anxiety state before you start "The Journey to Recovery". Also apart from listening to my words you have the method to start practicing and I am sure you will find this in itself will be enough to occupy your mind in the beginning. This is what l call your Pre Journey to Recovery practice.
  4. Certain parts of this program will mean more to you personally so it is important that you listen to these parts as often as you wish. However, do not ignore other tracks that you can relate to, to a lesser extent. Because it is important that you have more of an overview of what your suffering is all about. 
  5. Do not try to understand the meaning behind my words, because as you listen more and more the explanation will become clearer and clearer. In other words you must let the understanding come to you as and when it is meant to. Do not try to force understanding, as this will only increase your anxiety levels. If you can't understand something that I talk about, you are not meant to at this moment in time. However, as I just have mentioned, the understanding will come when its meant to. 

Finally, the fact that you are downloading this program tells me something very important: You have not given up on yourself, in other words you are still trying to find a way out of your suffering.

I can assure you with complete confidence the information contained within this program will with practice bring the "peace of mind" you so desperately want.

Kindest personal regards

David Johnson

Once you have watched the video you can download the program below