Dear David,
I really mean these words. For I have never come across anybody who can
explain anxiety & the recovery process the way you do. That too with
patience and deep understanding of sufferers attitude and approach.
Although I am still taking baby steps and still some more time away from
recovery but believe me it's from the bottom of my heart.
Last 5 years have been a nightmare for me both personally & professionally.
No one. I repeat no one explains the way you do.
It's my humble tribute to my coach/ mentor ...YOU..
Thanks & Best Regards & remembrance's,
Testimonials as of Aug 2024
Good afternoon, David
I hope that you and your wife are both doing well...:) Not sure about NZ but
the weather over here in Sydney is crazy, it is like a winter's day, so cold
with lots of rain. Good hot chocolate weather.:)
I have listened over a couple of times now the Dr Claire Weekes talks,
absolutely great to be able to listen to the full length talk without
interruption. I have listened to parts of the talks as there are a couple on
YouTube, but now i have the full version and I am grateful to you for
sharing this with me.:)
I also want to thank you again for chatting with me and my son, means the
world to me, I honestly don't know where I would be had i not met you and
for your ongoing support.
You bring me such comfort in some of my darkest times, when i am having a
bad day i see your face and can hear your voice saying Karyn, use that right
inner voice.:)
The past week has been better, a challenge at times, totally expected on
this recovery journey, I will always take comfort in your words, and
guidance, and in the meantime am doing my best to stop myself from seeking
continuous reassurance.
I want you to know how appreciated you are and I know that is not by just
me, you have such a passion for what you do in helping people through their
anxiety journey, you are selfless, compassionate and extremely empathetic. I
will always value the work you do and the help you have given to myself and
so many others. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Warm regards
Dear David,
I wanted to write because you said I would feel what I just felt. A sense of
inner peace. I was walking along the beach near my home on the island of
Jersey and felt so grateful for everything. I even felt grateful for having
gone through all of this. Because I know with such wonderful tools I will
never go through it again. I just know it.
I sat on the sea wall and just felt 'me' again. And since all of the nervous
symptoms started I didn't believe I ever would. I started your program in
April of this year and hoped to recover overnight. Little did I know what
was in store for me. The moment that I stopped wishing it all to be over was
the moment I truly started to recover.
Without your program I don't know what I would have done. I was so desperate
and in a bad way. After just two days of listening to your program I was out
of the house and eating meals again - something I had struggled to do for a
while. And you never promised it would be easy - and believe me it wasn't!
But it worked. Your program is wonderful and helped me in so many ways.
I also have been working with a naturopath so that my diet supports
everything which has been a big step in recovering too as well as some
acupuncture treatments. But the majority of the work was in my mind and you
provided such amazing building blocks for me to work with.
A thank you isn't enough. I have such gratitude for your program and Dr
Weekes' work.
Thank you thank you thank you.
And thank you to your wife for letting me skype you in the early hours in
such desperate states!
Dedicating your life to sharing this work is so honourable and
My Very Best Wishes,
About 7 years ago, I was a little kid in 5th grade, I enjoyed playing video games and hockey. I played with my friends, enjoyed life and carried on without a worry in my heart just as any 12 year old would do. As I progressed through the 5th grade year however, something changed inside. I began to be stressed out at everything. Thoughts would come into my head and my conscience refused to let go of them. They would stay for days at a time, only to be replaced by another right after. Then came the physical symptoms, which were even worse than the thoughts, because I couldn't hold them inside and hide them from my classmates. Every morning before school I would worry myself sick(literally) and burst into tears all the while this carried on for quite a while. I saw a psychiatrist at my local clinic, and despite being a great outlet for me to vent, she could not relate because she hadn't suffered like I had. Well that was it then I thought, none of my classmates had ever appeared to be like me, and even my doctor hadn't experienced what I had. I felt utterly alone.
After a while, I got desperate. I reached out to the internet, and googled "how to beat anxiety". There in the side bar, where normally the ads that no one pays attention to are, sat the title "freedom from fear recovery program" I excitedly clicked through the website, reading all of the sections. A momentary sense of peace washed over me. This guy was describing exactly how I felt right here on this website. From physical symptoms to the thoughts that followed me everywhere. This man was like me. Then I got to the testimony page. Hundreds of them. All like me. I rushed to my mom as soon as she got off of work and showed her. Obviously, my mother was a lot more sceptical than I was. Even through her scepticism she couldn't deny the fact that this man had described exactly how her son had been feeling all this time. I showed her that there was an option to call on the phone and actually talk to the man who had created the whole thing, David Johnson. She reluctantly agreed to let me call to see what all this was about before she would think about purchasing the program.
I got on the phone and David picked up. I put him on speaker phone with my mother and explained the entire situation to him. He understood everything. He had answers and assurance. I was amazed and for the first time I cried tears of joy because I had finally found someone like me that I could talk to. My entire attitude changed and my mom took notice. We purchased the program and loaded it on to my IPod nano. Little did I know then that my journey had just begun. The first listen through of the program hit me the hardest. I hung on to every word as David described everything that had been happening to me. He made it all so simple for me to understand. As nice as all of it was.
I was still battling with all of my symptoms and thoughts daily. Some were worse than others, but even on the best days, I went back to the program. It became part of my routine. I would listen to it with my mother every night to put me to sleep, even though some nights that meant getting through tears. Each of the stops on my journey to recovery was a chance to practice. My mother and david constantly reminded me of that. I made a habit of calling him at least once a week(sometimes more if things were going quite badly). Then I got into the forum very heavily. I loved reading all about everyone else's progress and it felt like I had a second family that was just like me, and there to support me whenever I needed. The thoughts I was having that day? Someone on the forum had been there, done that, and was ready to help.
I honestly could not have gotten through my condition without the forum. I kept chugging and kept practicing. I was beginning to understand the concept of accepting the feeling the thoughts, and then letting them be, which is so incredibly difficult. My entire journey of suffering culminated at one unforgettable moment. I was in class in 7th grade, and the familiar feelings of anxiety were creeping into my stomach and into my throat. Relax, Jacob, you know what to do, just accept it and let it be, it will pass. It wasn't happening so easily this time. I didn't want to break down in class, so I was trying my hardest to hold it together for the time being. If I could make it to the bell, I could run to the bathroom and at least lose it in private. I kept reminding myself to accept. To just let it be. I was praying for a miracle to help me. To take this feeling away.
Then suddenly, just as I thought the anxiety was going to hit me hardest, a wave of calm passed over my entire body, and it felt as though the anxiety was melting out of me. I knew I was going to be okay. Everything was peaceful inside of me. I had a feeling inside of me that no matter what came my way after that moment, I would accept it and move on. I knew I had reached recovery. That is my journey, and I tell it to remind everyone who is in the thick of it that YOU CAN DO IT. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel and you will reach it. And you will be stronger on the other side because of it. Remember it is just a moment. Just a thought. It is not you. You are in control, and through practice, you can make it through your darkest of days.
This program is the only one I have found that doesn't claim to be the magic wand that will cure you instantly. In fact it claims just the opposite. Recovery is a process. A tough one. And it's going to take going through hell and back at times to get there. BUT YOU WILL GET THERE. Remember that you are never alone. Remember that someone has been as stuck as you are now. They came out on the other side and so will you. Never lose faith in the process.