This is an overview note to express my gratitude to you and your program for how my life has transformed over the past 12 months. I discovered your programme quite early into my nervous illness and having previously "recovered" some years ago thought I quickly understood the messages and would have a straightforward path to recovery. What I learned, through painful experience, however was that my previous recovery was based on "winning the argument" against all the stupid thoughts that anxiety threw my way and armed with a multitude of books, I had taken a CBT /NLP with a bit of acceptance thrown in approach. It had kept me very happy and content for a number of years after my first experience of anxiety, but after a sustained two year period of stress at work it was unravelling fast. I couldn't settle on one approach and my battle to fix this was making me worse. I felt I was spiralling out of control and at one point felt so utterly desperate that I believed even your program, which seemed to work so well for everyone else, had failed me. I really felt that there was no way back for me. How wrong I was!
I finally got it through to my mind, which wanted to "fight, fight, fight", that it was my very desire to be rid of my anxiety which was prolonging its stay. You'd been telling me this for ages and it was certainly a very regular theme of your program, but although I heard your words and understood them I didn't truly embrace them.
The miracle of your program is that once you acknowledge and "be with" the feelings, however horrific they may be (and believe me, they WERE horrific) they slowly but surely melt away, like the mist on a cold dawn.
Now I know we all must discover this for ourselves; it is not enough simply to be told. If it were, we would all recover immediately. Your program has given me the tools, but it wasn't until I started to use them that I found myself heading to recovery.
What I have experienced over the past 12 months is sustained improvement to the extent that I am now longer in an anxiety state. It hasn't been an easy journey and I've had many bumps in the road, but ever since I truly understood your message and went out of my way to embrace the feelings I have lost my fear of them. And once this happens, recovery starts to happen pretty rapidly.
My life has been back to normal for some time. You encouraged me to get back to work, which was tough at first, but a few months back I took on a bigger and better role at a new business – unthinkable only 10 months ago. I am enjoying life, living in the moment and not over thinking things and loving being with my young children as they grow up. I actually find that I am moving to a far more content place than I was before my nervous illness.
So, am I fully recovered? No, I'm not. But that doesn't matter to me, because I know that I will. And I genuinely use those moments when old feelings start to resurface as practise. I need more practise before I get over the line, but that's fine because the practise no longer matters.
If you're reading this, feeling in despair and hoping to find a miracle cure, I'd urge you to go on David's program. Not because it's a miracle cure, but because the miracle comes in understanding that it is your response that is keeping you in this state. And David's program is the key that will enable you respond the right way, to get to that place where you are no longer trying to think yourself better and are getting on with your life with anxiety there. And then the miracle starts to unfold...
Thank you David!