I just wanted to express how unbelievably grateful I am that I once stumbled across your website, and consequently had the opportunity to speak with you.
Before I did, I was absolutely lost with my anxiety, a feeling I know that all sufferers can empathise with. Thoughts have always been my downfall...the gremlins and the 'what if's forever played havoc with my mind. No one seemed to understand the mental anguish I was going through. I tried explaining it to friends, family, medical professionals and counsellors. None of them seemed to grasp what was wrong which heightened my anxiety e.g. "it's only me going through this in the world. I'm a lost cause."
However, I now realise that it's clear as day why they didn't understand: they were not sufferers! Why would they understand? The same rang true for the various other internet sites I came across as I scoured for answers to what was wrong with me. A lot of the advice was based around 'relaxing' or 'just not worrying', which didn't help me one bit. I genuinely believed I was going insane!
Then, one day, I came across your site. My jaw dropped as I read through the pages. It may as well have been me describing what I was going through rather than you, that's how much it rang true! I simply couldn't believe it. I signed up for your program that day and spoke to you on the phone that night. It was amazing to chat with someone who understood exactly what I was going through, and I remember vividly you listening to my situation and saying "Joe, I am not worried about you at all." I had been SURE you would be more likely to say something like "wow, that IS weird!" However, it didn't sound like the words of someone who was giving me false hope. It sounded like the words of someone who believed that this program was perfect for me. For the first time I saw a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
I've never looked back since. I listened to the program literally whenever I could. I began to understand exactly what I was going through and why. I began to understand exactly what I needed to do (or 'didn't' need to do, as it were!)
The 'journey' to recovery has had its ups and downs, as you confirmed it would. 'The Method' is simple, but not easy. However, knowing I had everything I needed (the program, your support, and the support of the forum (more on that below!)) made me never feel like I was back to how I was before we crossed paths via the internet!
It's all down to second fear! I will never let this second fear dictate my life again.
I am recovered now. Sure, sometimes I feel worried. Sometimes I feel down. Sometimes I feel angry. However, this is ALL fine. It's just first fear, and I won't analyse it any more than that. It's the 'not adding' second fear that is key, and your amazing program has allowed me to do that.
Not only am I recovered but I am an even better person as a result of going through this process. More compassionate, more confident and more enthusiastic to just enjoy life to the absolute fullest. I have applied the Method to other areas of my life outside of worry, and it works just as well there too!
If I may, I'd like to address the awesome members of the forum briefly here too:- Guys, I doubt that anyone here will remember me, but I was an active member of the forum a couple of years ago. I sincerely apologise for not contributing more often since then, but I've been out and about practising myself, whilst living my life....(absolutely NOT saying there is ANYTHING wrong with the forum. The forum is awesome, but just highlighting how amazing it is to be able to say I have been out living when I was doing anything BUT that before starting this program!)
Just to let you all know, and hopefully inspire some of you who are struggling...this Method really does work. It really really does. I'm not in any way affiliated to this program, other than buying it, so I'm completely impartial. David has absolutely guided me out of the anxiety I had, and several people on this forum had their part to play. Guys, you may not recall me, but Mick, Sheila, Anna, Duncan, Seth etc...all the words I received from you guys helped me more than you can know.
I am indeed recovered now and it is amazing. You all will recover too if you stick with this program. The mind is a glorious thing. Nurture and nourish it by letting it do its thing without adding second fear!
David has provided the route on the map to recovery. Unfortunately that route is not necessarily direct, nor can it be. But it gets you there faster than any other route available, and you become a MUCH more complete person as a result! I now love living life day to day, with all its quirks and rough edges! It's possible for absolutely everyone else too, it really is.
An amazing quote from Anna which has stuck with me would be useful to use here: "I let myself fall apart, so I could build myself up again." (Or words to that effect!) I think that's a brilliant analogy for how this program works. Allowing myself to start from scratch and build myself up through David's words (and the support I received) has made my life better than it ever was before. My outlook, my mind set, and just my ability to deal with thoughts.
Best of luck to you all on the forum, and I'd be more than happy to hear from anyone who is on a similar journey.
Back to you David. All I can do is reiterate how thankful I am for your help. I hope you manage to reach many more with your work. Keep inspiring people the same way you have inspired me.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Much love and many thanks
Joe Lingard